Hold Ups

What's The Difference Between Stockings & Hold Ups?

Both stockings and hold ups are long, thigh high, sock-like hosiery. Both can be attached to a suspender (or garter) belt. The difference between the two is that where stockings must be attached to a suspender belt, hold-ups don't need to that's why they are hold up stockings. They stay up on their own. Hold-ups have a band (or sometimes several bands) of silicone printed around the top, which act like a glue-free adhesive to the top of your thighs.

Why Wear Hold Ups?

Hold ups are the perfect solution for ladies seeking the perfect balance between effective time-management and looking classy. This small change that impacts their whole day, which as you can see, affects their whole year. Not convinced? Consider this; putting on a suspender belt, attaching the clips, making sure they are straight all the way around takes about 5-10 minutes. This might sound like a fair price to pay for that classic, vintage look. Thigh-highs, on the other hand, achieve both stylish look you desire and the ease of use at the same time. Plain and simply, ten minutes a day is an hour a week. Choose hold-ups and that's two full days and nights each year that you don't have to spend fiddling.

Save Time Whilst Achieving A Classic Look

Of course, we understand the appeal of stockings and suspender belts and we are not suggesting that you ditch them completely! How about keeping them for special occasions? Maybe you could wear hold-ups during the week and stockings and suspenders at weekends? That way you could have the best of both worlds: You could benefit from the time-saving element of hold-ups during the week and the luxury film-noir appeal of stockings and suspenders at weekends.

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